Just about every homeowner out there would love to have a gorgeous, impeccably kept landscape, but it never seems to turn out that way. How well your lawn is cared for and even what climate you live in has a lot to do with how nice and green your landscape looks. There are signs to look for that will tell you that your lawn is in desperate need of quality professional lawn care. In this list, you can find a few of those signs, to see if your yard is one of those that needs help.
1. Your Grass is an Icky Brown Colour
If your grass is an icky brown colour, whether it’s from neglect, lack of watering, or lack of the yard getting the proper nutrients, then it is in need of professional lawn care. The right lawn care company can come in and easily determine what your lawn needs to thrive and meet its full potential as a landscape.
2. You’re Seeing Signs of Seasonal Damage
The bitter winter can take its toll on even the best well-maintained lawn. Whether your lawn is littered with fallen branches, or water damaged, it is possible to restore your lawn to its former beauty before the hot summer sun starts to beam down once again. Call now, because after all, spring is the perfect time to start your yard and garden anew.
3. Weeds Are Taking Over Your Yard
If the weeds and bushes are covering your yard and seem to be trying to get into your home and garage, then you might need professional lawn care. If the grass has been taken over by weeds, the chance of the homeowner being able to get the weeds under control are very slim. A professional lawn care service knows what to do and just the herbicides to use to the weeds under control and your yard looking great once again.
4. Pests Are Taking Over Your Lawn
Weeds aren’t the only things that can wreck your lawn, there are pests that can get into your lawn and destroy your flowers, grass and in some cases, even your trees. Each of the pests takes a different approach to rid your lawn of them, so it’s best to leave it to the professionals to take care of. Some of these pests can even worm their way into your home, so if you even suspect you have them on your lawn, call the professionals right away.
5. Your Yard is Huge
Even though it’s a good idea to have professional lawn care in any size yard, when you have a huge yard, it’s almost a necessity. If you have a full-time job, a family, and other obligations, it can be hard to find the time to take care of a large yard, the way it should be cared for. There is no shame in asking for help and the professionals do this on a daily basis, so they are trained, experienced, and ready to get started.
6. You Aren’t Sure How to Take Care of Your Yard the Right Way
If you have tried everything you can to take care of your yard and it is still getting away from you, then it is time to call in the professionals to help fix your yard and then maintain if for you. In reality, it will cost you a whole lot less to let the professionals do it, than it will to try and do it yourself.
These are just a few of the top signs that you need to invest in professional lawn care. Do any of these signs apply to your yard?